Title: Sculptures are Individually Titled
Price: $125 and up
9" height

Title: Deep Purple Vase
Price: $68
7" height
Title: Vases Various Sizes on Shelves
Price: $58 to $150
5" height
Title: Vases Various Sizes on Shelves
Price: $58 to $180
5" height
Title: Various Vases on Shelves
Price: $598 to $180
8" height
Title: Vase with Side Openings
Price: $130
5" height
Title: Butt Vase Rear View - Pun Intended
Price: $375
8" height
Title: Altered Tan Duo
Price: $120
11" height
Title: Floor Vase
Price: $550
22-24" height
Title: Tree of Life (a signature design)
Price: $200
18" diameter
Title: Mountainscape Dinner Plate
Price: $45
7" diameter
Title: Olive Tans Curved Lip
Price: $220
16" diameter
Title: Floating Blue Tan White
Price: $200
15" diameter
Title: Curves
Price: $185
14" diameter
Title: Multi Spring
Price: $200
18" diameter
Title: Green Lavender
Price: $200
15" diameter w/deep sides
Title: Blackberry
Price: $200
17" diameter
Title: Floating Brown Blue & Tan
Price: $60
7" height
Title: BlueGreen & Tan
Price: $60
6.5" height
Title: BlueGreen & Tan2
Price: $60
6.5" height
Title: Lavender Blue Creamer
Price: $38
3" height
Title: Wide Mouth
Price: $60
6" height
Title: Flowered Edge
Price: $85
8" diameter
Title: Oval Mirror
Price: $85
8" long
Title: Peace
Price: $100
Altered Round Hollow Sculpture
Title: Sculpture Set (shown separately)
Price: $115
Altered Round Hollow Sculptures
Title: Persona
Price: $280
12" long can stand on end or lie down as shown
Title: Smokey Plains
Price: $100
10" diameter
Title: Proud Red White & Blue
Price: $100
6" diameter
Title: Proud Red White & Blue Paperweight
Price: $48
3" diameter
Title: balance
Price: $480
approx 12" length x 5" height
Title: Bashful
Price: $380
12" height
Title: Work In Progress
Price: incomplete - not for sale
Title: To Be Touched
Price: $200
8" height
Title: Deep Bowl
Price: $75
8.5" height & 8" diameter
Title: Salt Cellars
Price: $25 each
various sizes - approx 2" diameter
Title: Bowls that Nest
Price: $75 for set or $45 for large and $35 for medium
4-5" height and 7-8" diameter
Title: Planter
Price: $75
Title: Various Wallpocket Designs and Sizes
Price: $28 TO $200
various sizes and colors available